Thursday, June 06, 2013

I suck at technology - Rats!

Hello all
So first things first, back down to 164 today- yay! I'm hoping to be back all the way down to 163 by the weekend. 

Second, I have no idea why the 'Body Dramaticisms' post has a white background to it, it looks like absolute crap, and I haven't got the first clue how to get rid of it, as all the settings for it are the same as all my other posts and none of them are like that. DA fuq?!
On another note, I was messing around with it trying to fix it and I managed to delete my second ever comment from Sylvie S, because I am dumb. 

So I have re-posted it here!

"seeing the scale move up always stinks, but at least you know it's just water retention and it'll drop off again in a week. also--you have a hairless rat? I didn't even know that hairless rats existed! I bet she's adorable. Rats and mice always have the cutest little ears and eyes. (off to youtube to search for hairless rats nibbling adorably on bits of food!)" - Sylvie S

Responding to this comment (I am going to try and do this for as long as I can,  but eventually if I get a lot of comments I may have to stop):
Yes! I have a hairless rat! She is 7 months old, female dumbo hairless, named Snickers. They are called dumbo because of the giant ears -so cute! She is super curious, loves dried fruit, and is a crazy climber. I have never seen a rat be such a social little climber. Many rats love to hide and burrow in stuff, she is all about climbing stuff. I have no experience with hairless before this one, and I had read that because of the intensive breeding of domestics involved in getting hairless rats (A bit about hairless rats...), they have developed a more social personality. So far I have found this to be true, but since I have known 4 furred rats but only 1 hairless, it could just be her. I think after Snickers, I will continue with the hairless variety, just because of the great experience I've had with her. If you want to see a cute video of a hairless rat check this out!
If anyone wants (give me comments!) I can do some posts about pet rats, what to feed, how to make toys, tips for care etc. If anyone has questions about having a pet rat hairless or furred, send them my way!

Now, for the serious part of the post. Yesterday, I went into a little shop, and saw a rack of swimsuits and was going to try some on. I have quite a few swimsuits, but I won't buy expensive ones, (like, more than $30 total) and I wear them a lot, as I live right on the lake, and my parents have a hot tub. I have a problem with swim suits though, which is I have to buy a medium bottom piece, and a large or extra large top, partly because I'm a 32DD or 34D depending on brand, and partly because I'm a little modest, and just want some extra coverage. 
Anyways, shopping for swim suits is often disastrous for me, for a pile of reasons. 
First, because when top and bottoms are sold together, I am almost guaranteed to not fit into it properly. 
Second, because when I get my clothes off in the change room, I always hate what I'm seeing.
Yesterday, I tried on a white suit. Which was awful, and looked like granny panties on the bottom, and pornesque on top. Nipples poking through and everything! 
But the really important moment for me was that I was able to look at this ridiculous suit, and think "wow, this suit was not made very well" rather than 'wow, look at how shitty I look in this suit, I look terrible, I will never be able to wear any suit and look good' 
For me, this is a breakthrough. 

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