Saturday, July 20, 2013

Wherever have I been

I've been so gone, for so long...
sorry lovelies
I'm in an out of ED headspace. Today I'm deffinitely in it. I went to the candy store to buy sugar free candy to eat, but I can't even get into that. Calories terrify me. How did it happen that I am so fearless, and so strong, except for food? I don't understand this at all. Somebody fucking save me. Weight is pretty much where it was, and I need it so so so gone. Fasting today, I hope fasting tomorrow, but a friend is up, which makes for a challenge. Bought a ton of coke zero, it's almost gone, need some more soon, I love love love it.
Haven't purged in a long time now, maybe I've quit that habit. Wouldn't that be nice.

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