Friday, May 31, 2013

Better than nothing

Well, made my 164 flat this morning...yay. 
Tomorrow I'm hoping for 163, since I've been super active today and calorie intake is probably around 50, just milk in my coffee and water water water! Last night I went out and did almost eight and a half kilometers on my bike, and this morning I went out and helped my dad cut and stack wood for like two hours, and it's a high of 30C today. SO HOT.
Anyways, got my official start date for work, June 11th at 10! Working on getting my body back under control and my tan, tips for pretty girls. I can't wait to move to my new job, June 9th. Restricting is easier when my parents aren't around all time, I forgot how challenging it can be to stay with them for long periods of time. Plus, I will be living a few miles from everything with just a bike. Yay bike! Someday I won't be so broke and I'll have a car. Maybe when I'm 30 lol. 
On another note, tomorrow I'm going to a horse show to watch my excited, I miss riding so much while I'm in school. You will all probably see a photo of him as well tomorrow. If you're not into horses, I'm sorry...I just can't even help it :(
Until next time
Stay skinny my lovelies

Thursday, May 30, 2013

Nothing like a plateau to start off the day

Good morning lovelies,
this morning came in again at 164.5. Could be better, could be worse.
Just having coffee and tea today until dinner (staying with my parents for a couple of weeks so dinner is very hard to avoid) and will try for a flat 164.0 later in the day if possible. 
So I've been looking for a few blogs to read, I have probably about 4-5 on my list, but a lot of them don't seem to have been updated in months :( So if you are working on a weight-loss or mia blog, or something else awesome, please post the link and I will give it a read!
On another note, I will try to post a before picture at some point. Though maybe not until I get to 150? UGW is 130 btw lovelies, I'm 5'7 with bone structure that allows for hip bones by 150 and ribs by 140, so 130 seems appropriate. But it can always change, ya?
Goal is to be 155 by the time I move and start my new job, so I don't look like a total whale. That gives me till June 12th...pushing it, but I think I can do it. By the time I go back to Uni I'm planning to be 130. I need my skinny back. I have a new job waiting tables in a SUPER touristy town on one of the Great Lakes, so tips are good for pretty girls. Not so much for fatties. 
Will post later on if I find that 164.
Stay skinny

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Starting Again (again)

Hello lovlies
How does one even go about introductions in the blogosphere? Not a single clue. But here goes, I guess
I go by the blogger name Some Day Soon as a form of wishful thinking I someday I'll be skinny? Right? LOL. Moving on, I am student (right now on summer break, yay) and I had a blog here before, but it was connected to an email address that was accessible to family so I freaked out a little and made the blog totally private. Eventually though, I stopped really writing it partially as I was going through a rough time, and mostly because who gives a fuck when no one is going to read it anyways. 
SO! New email, new blog, no family.
I should also add that I'm likely going to employ a less than healthy method of weight loss at points here, and please don't jump on me for it, I swing a little between EDNOS and mia, and probably from feb-april also swung closer to COE or BED or something. No clue.
The moral of the story, is that somehow I ballooned my way up to 170 lbs...nasty. Nasty Nasty. So. Fucking. Nasty. Over the last couple of weeks I have been working on it, and this morning weighed in at 164.5, and ate more than I should have last night, I know. 
I will also be posting Thinspo, and probably some other stuff as well, though this blog is mostly somewhere to talk about getting skinny again, and somewhere to try and deal with mia and friends as they raise their ugly faces. 
I think thats about everything for now...other than today was disastrous, if I'm not equal or up tomorrow, it will be a legit miracle. Potato salad. FACK. Though I managed with 160cals for breakfast and no lunch, so maybe? NO girl, don't be dumb. Potato salad is kind of a fail. But a delicious fail...
Until next time lovelies!